African Network for Solar Energy

Promoting research, education, and training in the renewable energy field.

Who We Are

The African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE) is an initiative of African scientists for Africa and the rest of the world, devoted to promoting the use of various renewable energy forms to address the acute energy problems in the continent, while preserving and protecting the environment.

– To foster technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in renewable energies at various skill levels (capacity building).
– To foster research activities in renewable energies among African scientists and non-African scientists who are directly involved in the training and education of African students and experts (capacity building).
– To promote and encourage the use of renewable energies in Africa (sustainable development and economy, environmental protection, etc).

Our mission is to endorse the sustainable use of renewable energy to the benefit of the social and economic development of Africa as well as environmental protection through:

– Education and training of African scientists, experts, and students
– Exchange of students and visiting scientists
– Workshops, conferences, and meetings in Africa
– Organizing and implementing projects and programs on renewable energy
– Promoting capacity building in the use of renewable energy in Africa for all.

Through our rich network of 1000 plus scientists from the 45 African countries and 30 non-african countries, we are able to offer a range of consultancies which include but not limited to:

– Technical feasibility studies on specific renewable energy topics of interest.
– Quality control, and monitoring & evaluation of renewable energy technologies installed in the field.
– Energy audits and needs assessments.
– Tailored training in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Find Out More Here

Join Our Network

Our network aims to connect and empower trainers, researchers, students, professionals, businessmen and women working in energy in all parts of the world, with a special focus on Africa, to provide greater visibility, networking opportunities and professional connections between energy experts. Membership is open to both women and men seeking to advance their energy careers by developing a strong network and enhancing leadership skills.

Our Partners

All our hard work would not churn out the impact it has today if we did not have the love and support of our partners. These include among others:

Ansole Global

ANSOLE is a platform of exchange among various stakeholders who are all devoted to promote in a concerted way the use of various renewable energy forms to address the acute energy problem in Africa while preserving and protecting the environment.